Water Wins works with communities to drill wells to provide clean water to save lives. The relationships we build drilling wells opens the door to further development including Education, Biblical teaching, healthcare and agricultural programs.
Water Wins mission is to use our God given talents and resources to bring about sustainable Christian Community Development to the people living in the Eastern Kambari Area of Nigeria by modeling Christ Jesus In Word and Deed.

Clean water is life changing – a community’s child mortality rate falls from 50% to less than 10% in children 5 and under once a water well is installed. In addition, the overall health of the community improves allowing for more opportunities for families.
Nigerian team trained in percussion drilling operations, spare parts, resistivity readings, rig maintenance, and continuous improvement.
A hand pump repair team performs maintenance/repairs on existing wells.
Water Wins Academy opened in 2011 with over 200 students attending this year.
To learn more, visit the water wins website at www.waterwins.com